AMaGA ACT SGM & NMA Discovering Ancient Egypt Viewing

Join the AMaGA ACT Branch for refreshments and a Special General Meeting to elect the committee followed by a special viewing of the fascinating exhibition Discovering Ancient Egypt from the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities. Discover the behind-the-scenes stories of the development and delivery of the exhibition from the NMA staff who worked on the project.

Please note that this is a members only event, and you will need to sign into your membership account to register. Organisational members are restricted to 5 staff attending, we will notify you if your organisations has exhausted the 5 registrations.

The agenda and proxy voting form for the SGM agenda can be downloaded below:

SGM agenda

Proxy voting form (word doc)

Proxy voting form (PDF)


image credit: Discovering Ancient Egypt exhibition space. Image © National Museum of Australia and Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (Leiden, The Netherlands)

3/07/2024 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
National Museum of Australia Lawson Crescent Acton ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA
Registration not available.

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