Support AMaGA

As the peak national association representing the Australian museum and gallery sector, the Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA) supports and upholds the 2022 ICOM definition of museums. We apply the principles inherent in the ICOM definition in the Australian context, through the provision of sector advocacy, resources and services. 

AMaGA’s VISION is that: Australia’s museums and galleries are financially supported, cherished, enjoyed and protected, ensuring their enduring value for present and future generations.

And our PURPOSE is to: Champion and connect a diverse, inclusive and thriving museum and gallery sector that inspires and enables cultural participation.

AMaGA is guided in this work by our Strategic Plan 2024-2026 with its seven intersecting arenas of focus, or ‘pillars’: First Nations, Museum and Gallery work, Sustainability, Equity, Access and Inclusion, Collections, The funding mix and Digital transformation.

 2024 marks a significant milestone for AMaGA, as for 30 years we have been championing the Australian museums and galleries and the vital contribution they make to Australian cultural life. In 1994, a single national entity was formed through the amalgamation of a group of museum and gallery representative bodies that were operational at the time. Since then, the national association has flexed and changed to meet the ever-changing needs of our sector.

We continue to evolve and despite the myriad challenges that have beset our sector over the years, AMaGA has been consistent in providing vital services and resources for the museum and gallery community. Some of our recent achievements include:

  • National advocacy that supported the restitution of $535.3M core Commonwealth Government funding for the National Collecting Institutions. 
  • Delivery of the federal government Culture Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) grant program to support over 570 regional and remote cultural organisations recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Successfully campaigned for the update of the vital sector resource Significance 2.0 via AMaGA’s National Cultural Policy submission.
  • Introduced virtual AMaGA annual conference access for organisations and individuals and prioritised regional locations as conference hosts (Newcastle NSW in 2023, Ballarat Victoria in 2024) to highlight the innovation and excellence of regional museums, galleries and sites of cultural and historical significance.
  • Released AMaGA's new-sector facing vision statement and Strategic Plan for 2024-2026.
  • Launched new AMaGA national website and membership portal. 

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AMaGA donation


Conference Inclusion Fund 

Each year the AMaGA National Conference attracts over 450 national and international delegates. The AMaGA “Conference Inclusion Fund” has been established to assist individuals, volunteers and staff working in those smaller museums and galleries to attend the national conference, which includes a day focused on regional, remote and community organisations. Eligible member galleries and museums, their staff and volunteers, will be encouraged to apply to the fund for assistance to travel to the conference. Support from the fund will cover the cost of conference registration plus some funds towards travel and accommodation for successful applicants

Donate to the conference inclusion fund here.

AMaGA Conference Sponsorship 

The AMaGA National Conference represents a cornerstone of our professional development calendar, offering the largest annual forum for Australian museum and gallery professionals and volunteers to engage in networking and knowledge exchange. The conference connects and convenes the sector to find collective solutions for our shared challenges.

Download the #AMAGA2024 Ballarat Conference sponsorship prospectus here